Ranskalainen Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde yhteistyökumppaninaan oululainen Flow Productions aloittaa Euroopan kulttuuripääkaupunkivuoden ohjelmaan valitun projektin toteuttamisen kesäkuussa 2024 Oulussa. Kokonaisuuteen tulee kuulumaan kaikkia osallistavia urbaaneja kävelyretkiä ja pop-up -tapahtumia sekä myös ranskalaisten ja suomalaisten taiteilijoiden näyttämöteos.
Tänä kesänä 8-10.6. järjestetään kaikille avoin, ilmainen työpaja, jonka muoto on urbaanit kävelyretket. Sen lisäksi järjestetään ranskalaisten ja suomalaisten sirkus- ja tanssitaiteiljoiden toteuttama pop-up -tapahtuma Aalto siilolla 13.6. Voit osallistua kolmena päivänä järjestettäviin työpajoihin yhtenä tai useampana päivänä, valitseminasi aikoina. Keskustelu käydään englanniksi – siispä työpajan kuvauskin on englanniksi:
From Saturday 8th to Thursday 13th of June 2024, the artistic and scientific team of the French cultural organisation PPCM – National Centre for Contemporary Heritage, circus and music (Eleftérios Kechagioglou, director and Amine Slimani, architect specialized on contemporary heritage), in cooperation with Flow Productions (Oulu) and Valentino Tignanelli (architect in charge of the renovation of Alvar Aalto’s Silo) will start the workshops of “Climbing over Oulu – Revisiting the landscapes of the hidden city”
This call is open to all : artists, architects, students, but also all Oulu’s inhabitants that are willing to rediscover the hidden parts of the city and to revisit the links between the centre of the city and the Meri-Toppila area around Alvar Aalto’s silo and its renovation project.
The action aims to highlight the city’s human, industrial and intangible heritage, based on encounters with local residents and their desire to activate the landscapes of Oulu through art, sports and leisure activities.
The project will take the form of a three days in situ workshops, based on the concepts of crossing and walking in the city. You may participate for a half-day, a day or all of the three days + the final show and gathering on Thursday 13th at Aalto silo.
In this first session of Revisiting the landscapes of Oulu, we aim to bring together the plural voices of the city, and give them the floor of expression in two ways. First, by inviting them to be the guides on some new paths traversing the city and visiting new emergent ‘Symbols’. Secondly, by inviting them to come to the site of Alvar Aalto’s silo in Meri-Toppila, and participate in the activation of this space under renovation.
An artistic event is scheduled on Thursday 13th of June in the early evening in order to celebrate the end of the workshops.
Participation to the workshops is free of charge.
Saturday 8.6.2024
10am -1pm Meeting and introducing the concept in Culture Centre Valve, Hallituskatu 7
1-2pm Lunch in town (omakustanteinen)
2-5:30pm Walking from Valve Cultural Centre to Alvar Aalto’s Silo through Pikisaari, linking landscapes, citizens and projects.
Sunday 9.6.
2-5:30pm Walking from Valve Cultural Centre to Alvar Aalto’s Silo through Tuira
Linking landscapes, citizens and projects
Monday 10.6.
9:30am – 1 pm and 2-5:30pm
Walking around Meri-Toppila starting from Alvar Aalto’s Silo
Thursday 13.6.
5:30-6:30pm Site specific performance of Climbing over Oulu (Work in progress)
Circus artists and musicians PPCM and from Oulu performing by Alvar Aalto Silo, Alvar Aallon katu 5
Questions and signing up for the workshops: pirjo@flowprod.fi 0400-938164
Let us know which day and time you would participate.
Kysymykset ja ilmoittautumiset osoitteeseen: pirjo@flowprod.fi 0400-938164
Ilmoita minä päivänä ja mihin kellonaikaan osallistut.