The Goldberg variations by Kompani Giraff refers to both the symmetrical piece of music by Johann Sebastian Bach and to the cartoonist Rube Goldberg, who is known for his drawings of incredibly complex, chaotic machines made out of everyday objects. With great charm and precision, the two circus artists Filip Zahradnicky and Clémence de Felice bring their audience on a journey into an unknown landscape where acrobatics, juggling, balancing acts, inventions and experiments are brought into motion.
The shows are organized in collaboration with Oulu theatre. The tickets will be available starting January 24th in Oulu theatre ticket office or online in
Peformers: Clémence de Felice och Filip Zahradnický
Director: Axel Adlercreutz
Composition and sound design: Jonatan Eklund
Set and dress design: Sus Soddu
Light design: Sofie Gynning
Dramaturg: Viktoria Dalborg
Make up design: Sophie Rockwell
Collaborator set design: Isak Elwin
Production manager: Mette Klouman
Technical producer: Stefan “Drake” Karlström