These two receptionists are fast-talking smooth moving professionals in the hospitality industry. They speak multiple languages, none of which you can understand, and have an almost pathological fear of their customers. Impressively silly and exceptionally charismatic, Inga and Kristiina have a unique and hilarious chemistry which makes the whole experience delightfully bonkers.
The aesthetically pleasing performance is strongly physical, unconventional and hilarious, suitable for all age groups.
Performers and creation: Inga Björn ja Kristiina Tammisalo
Directive assistant: Thomas Monckton
Costumes and visual design: Gemma Tweedie
Light design: Kauri Klemelä
Sound design: Esko Mattila
Shows are organized in collaboration with Oulu theatre and the Theatre Festival for young audiences.
Venue: Culture Centre Valve, Hallituskatu 7
Duratoin: 55 min.
Age recommendation: aikuiset ja lapset 7+
Tickets (will be available on February 23): 17,5/13€ Oulu theatre, Culture Centre Valve, TICKETMASTER.FI