Performances as part of Oulun Kotiseutupäivät, August 14
By bus in front of Oulu theatre, Kaarlenväylä 2, at 10:30am and 1:30pm
Tickets: 25€
Ticket sales: Through Oulun kotiseutupäivät
Duration of the trip: 2,5h
Age recommendation: adults
The original Varjakka was an unforgettable immersive experience, directed by dance artist Pirjo Yli-Maunula and produced by Flow Productions in 2014. Varjakka Revisited will be performed during the National Local Heritage Conference in Oulu and it will contain a selection of experiences from the original Varjakka. Varjakka takes its audience on a walking journey to Varjakka island and deeper into a subconscious world, one that is filled with fantastic sights and dreamlike scenes.
Performers: Katariina Alalääkkölä, Titta Court, Jared van Earle, Heidi Kesti, Anssi Laiho, Nikke Launonen, Vaatu Ravela, Kira Riikonen ja Pirjo Yli-Maunula.