Tsekkiläisen sirkustaiteilija Eliška Brtnickán ohjaama, Czech Dance Platformin vuonna 2023 palkitsema Thin Skin on installaatiomainen teos, jossa hauraat ja haavoittuvat kehot kohtaavat joustamattomat rautatangot. Brtnická on jo pitkään tehnyt taiteellista tutkimusta siitä, mitä trapetsilla tarkoitetaan, millaisia muotoja se voi ottaa, miten se heijastuu kehon liikkeisiin ja mitä tämä liike välittää katsojalle. Hypnoottisessa esityksessä kolmen ilma-akrobaatin liike muovaa rautatankoja, jonka seurauksena esiintyjät joutuvat sopeutumaan jatkuvasti muuttuviin olosuhteisiin. Taiteilijoiden ja tankojen muodostamat liikkuvat veistokset ilmestyvät ja katoavat.
Eliška kertoo omasta työstään:
”I try to find other face of aerial movement by searching for different shapes and forms of aerial trapeze. What is trapeze and how the form of it influences the movement on it? Could the trapeze be longer, thiker, multiple, turning, low, by wall, near ceiling, on window, without ropes… Is there some trapeze in the public space? Could the trapeze itself be an object of plastic art? I am searching for new trapeze language, expression and movement quality and I generate content of performnaces out of the artistic research arround it.”
ELIŠKA BRTNICKÁ is a performer, choreographer, dramaturge and director. She graduated in non-verbal theatre from the HAMU in Prague, where she completed her PhD in 2018, focusing on contemporary circus. In 2010, she founded the company Cirkus Mlejn, under the name of which she creates her projects. In 2017, she completed a year-long course in circus dramaturgy at the prestigious French circus school CNAC in Châlons-en-Champagne. She has been involved in artistic research in the field of contemporary circus for many years. She is also the dramaturge of the international festival Fun Fatale.
ALŽBĚTA TICHÁ is a performer, acrobat and author. Before discovering her passion for aerial acrobatics, she studied dance at the Duncan Centre Conservatory in Prague. In 2020, she graduated from Codarts – University of Arts in the Netherlands, majoring in Vertical Rope and three years later from the International Circus Center for Artistic Research program in Spain. As a performer, she has participated in various projects such as Hansel and Gretel by Matěj Forman, Kid by Francesco Sgró, Li(n)es by Daniel Gulk, The Jungle Book by Štěpán Pechar and Matěj Forman, Land of Body by Radim Vizváry and others. She is a co-founder of the Feel the Universe Circus Company, but she also works as an author. Currently, she is working on her own project Frequency, which was included in the selection of the twelve best projects of the Circus Next platform.
LUKAS BLISS is a performer, juggler, dancer and creator. He graduated in Nonverbal Theatre from HAMU in Prague in 2019 with his solo performance LAVABO. He is the co-founder of the company Us Boys Who Go Out Together, which is dedicated to improvisation and physical theatre. He has also collaborated with Tantehorse, POCKETART, Farm in the Cave and Spitfire company. In his own work, he works with a combination of object, dance and space.
Ohjaus: Eliška Brtnická (Tsekki)
Esiintyjät: Alžběta Tichá, Lukas Bliss, Eliška Brtnická
Äänisuunnittelu: Stanislav Abrahám, Roman Džačár
Valosuunnittelu: Martin Špetlík
Puvustus: Tereza Kopecká
Materiaalit: Prokop Vondruška
Konsultaatio: Ilona Jäntti, Stéphanie N’Duhirahe, Markéta Vacovská, Hana Turečková
Tuotanto: Cirkus Mlejn, z.s.
Yhteistuotanto: DOX
Tukijat: The City of Prague, Ministry of Culture Czech Republic
Yhteistyökumppanit: KD Mlejn, Cirqueon, Diod Jihlava, Metropolis.dk
Esitykset: 18.-21.2.2025 Kulttuuritalo Valve, Valvesali
Lipunmyynti: Kulttuuritalo Valveen lipunmyynti, Ticketmaster.fi
Liput: 25/20/15€ (+ Ticketmasterin käsittelykulu)
Esityspaikka: Kulttuuritalo Valve, Hallituskatu 7
Ikäsuositus: aikuiset ja nuoret 8+
Kesto: 60min
Kuvat: Anna Benháková